sexta-feira, novembro 23, 2007

how to save a life?

"How To Save A Life"

Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And you begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

As he begins to raise his voice
You lower yours and grant him one last choice
Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

The Fray

A resposta pra tudo vem com o tempo... uma dose de paciencia é o suficiente... basta saber esperar.... eu vou esperar pela minha :D a janela continua aberta... quem sabe não vou abrir antes a porta? :P

Beijinhos a todos os que me apoiam sempre e do fundo do coração.. Obrigado por me indicarem sempre o caminho, quando a cabeça tenta esquecer o coração.... =)

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> Comments:

Blogger maria said...

"A resposta pra tudo vem com o tempo... uma dose de paciencia é o suficiente... basta saber esperar...." é bem verdade, mas para além do tempo e da paciência convém termos bem à mão uma dose revigorante de amigos.. são eles que "salvam as nossas vidas" qd as perdemos ou as julgamos perdidas..

saudades.. mtas saudades das noxas cumbersas de terça a noite..quero-as de volta.. :S


10:04 da tarde, novembro 28, 2007  

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