sexta-feira, novembro 10, 2006

all over again

Turn Down the light, Turn up the radio.
There’s a fire in your eyes, and its keeping me warm
Hold on to me like it was yesterday,
When we both felt our spirits collid

I remember the moment, being struck down by lightning
Since the first time I saw your face, and you smiled
Come and lay down with me
Fill the space that’s between us
Feel the magic that keeps love alive

This time, can be like the first time
Close your eyes and soon you’ll be there
No man could ever guess what you’re feeling
Turn a spark to a flame,
Make a wish, close your eyes, won’t you start all over again.

Just like the first time you touched my skin,
All over again
I tasted heaven take be deaf again,
All over again

Your smile
Your touch,
Your taste,
It turns me on and on and on,
That I fall in love with you,
All over again

Come and step through the stars,
Take a ride though the universe.
As long as we’re here, lets take this whole thing in

What I’m trying to say,
Is that you are so beautiful
Let me say it, all over again.

Coz this time can be like the first time,
Close your eyes, but you’ll soon will be there
No man could ever guess what he’s feeling,

Turn a spark to a flame,
Make a wish, close your eyes, won’t you start all over again.

Just like the first time you touched my skin,
All over again
I tasted heaven take me there again,
All over again

Your smile,
Your touch,
Your taste,
It turns me on and on and on.
That I fall in love with you,
I keep falling in love, with you.
All over again

All over again
All over again.

Um dia eu vou ultrapassar e deixar de te amar... mas esse dia tarda em chegar... até lá vou superando tudo sozinha, sem saber muito bem o que fazer, tento viver um dia de cada vez... Parece-me a solução mais viavel.. Maybe someday you'll realise I'm the one... but maybe, just maybe, I'm not there anymore...

Fill the space that’s between us
Feel the magic that keeps love alive

Do you feel it? Can you make me feel it?

<$BlogItemCommentsCount$> Comments:

Blogger Lena Guerra said...

por incrivel q pareça já tinha comentado este post...
Mas cá estou eu para me repetir,porque mereces que eu esteja sempre presente :)
A música é linda,a letra fenomenal...
Sim,um dia vais ultrapassar tudo,mas o primeiro passo ainda está longe de ser tomado..
O primeiro passo é quereres ultrapassar e tu não queres...Quando quiseres,o caminho continua a ser longo,mas não tão longo!!
Viver um dia de cada vez é o melhor que tens a fazer e enfrentar cada desafio com a cabeça erguida (quase q fazia campanha :P)
Beijinhos grandes****

12:40 da manhã, novembro 19, 2006  

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